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Anna McLeod

Handbuilding Tutor

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Born in Poland and brought up in Canada, Anna has made the western fringes of Auckland her home base since 1994.  Anna has been a practicing artist and art educator since 2004, and has taught various art workshops to children and adults alike. She was a sculpture tutor at a private art college and taught Art and Art History at secondary schools for 10 years.


In the past 3 years, Anna has replaced full-time classroom teaching with a more flexible balance of yoga, beach walks, ceramic sculpture making and art education. She is passionate about the power of art making as a creative outlet and therapeutic modality in today’s busy lifestyles. She finds joy in the process of art making herself and loves to encourage others to do the same, and especially enjoys nurturing this process in children. 


‘I believe that art education in children is just as important as numeracy and literacy. Yes, they are tapping into that endless creative potential that they have, but are also directed to challenge themselves. They are not just learning a specific skill in the production of a specific outcome. Through the process of art making they are experiencing problem solving, resilience, co-operation, self-regulation and empowerment. These are the skills that they need to thrive in all aspects of their lives’. 

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